And so another year has passed faster than I thought possible. So much happening in the world, in our lives, in the galaxy to keep us spinnig ourselves into a web of que paso. What happened, how did we get to the end of the year when I just got used to writing 2024? I can still remember what a big deal it was to write 1970 for the first time on my school papers and how 2000 seemed so far out for all of us but somehow the years that came and went since then have been a blur. Especially the years since the pandemic.
Here's wishing you a new year filled with the things you set out to accomplish. 2025 is a milestone year. Make it count.
The Chicano community mourns the loss of its champions for our cause through life celebrations, tributes, memorials and Dia de los Muertos altars. Many notables and non public figures have passed on throughout the fifty plus years since the birth of the ELA Chicano movement and many more will soon follow. Activists, academics, professionals, artists, business owners and community members - young and old - have contributed to the vastness of our cultural collective. Each and every one deserving of recognition and appreciation for their involvement, passion and pride in their Chicano/a/x identity. This time we are gathering to celebrate the life and legacy of Eddie Ayala who passed away at the age of 63 the day after Dia de los Muertos, 2023. I met Eddie Ayala at the tail end of the 1970's East LA backyard party scene where local Chicano music icons rocked cover songs and our socks off for a mere $1 entrance fee. Although entertaining and audience drawing there was a need for...