Friday, June 16, 2023

Words Revisited: Selected writing from 1990's (unformatted)

SOUNDS sounds so dear to my heart rekindle lost emotions carry me away to the furthest regions of my fading memory to times of chastity before the rape of my innocence a play upon words the beat of a drum inside my weeping soul flowing through the arteries passing through the ventricles the very core of my existence my interpretation and what they mean to me may be of little significance to others within the range of sound pay no attention to the tears of sorrow or the expression of reminiscence this entrancing phase of vague recollection is not contagious and will soon be gone when words become words and sounds become nothing more than sounds
STAGNATION chilling Springtime breezes slap my haggard face silly waking me of a solemn trance through the open window aromas of new life beginning play games of "scratch & sniff" with my sense of smell my view till now has become obstructed clouded by visions of you I am able to see clearly where it is I stand here amid the manure of life and love feet firmly set deeply rooted from years of stagnation
BAILE You held my heart in your hand, rattling, shaking it up like a maraca. Dancing and swirling around my emotions, musica alegre and lies of lust. So smooth to your touch were you, that you convinced me I actually had a chance. "Baile...baile...baile mi reina...baile mi amor" Those words so familiar to your mouth, flowed in sweet soft whispers into my longing ears. You swept me off my feet for the night, kisses strong with the smell of beer. Flesh salted from the heated sweat we produced, "Don Juan", I called laughed out loud. I thought it was funny, the joke was on me. During the night as I was fast asleep you made your escape, of all the things to steal, bandito, you took my heart. When the sun lit my eyelids I noticed you were gone, not a note, not a nudge, not a single clue. To this day I haven't heard word from you, you quit your job, changed your number, moved away. It's all right, senor you can run all your life, these days, in my world, you're no big deal. I've learned a new dance I sing a new tune, "Baile...baile...baile muchachos...baile mis amores". I whisper these words now so familiar to my mouth, sweet and soft into the ears of young listening men. As I dance them off their feet for the night.