Monday, April 30, 2012

Metro's Expo Line: L.A.'s Newest Light Rail Comes To Life

Stay on track, please.
After numerous delays and a budget far exceeding expectation the Expo Line is finally up and running.  I can exhale now. You see, I've been holding my breath waiting for this moment for what seems like an eternity.

Up until this point, my daily commute consisted of an exhausting series of bus-to-bus and train-to-train transfers. The frustration of having buses off schedule or too crowded to stop and pick up additional passengers made for a frazzled state of mind and body.

By bye bus stop - LA Brea & Jefferson
Of course, even with my excitement of being able to leave all the bus travel behind I can't help but notice how very wasteful this line actually is. Logistically it really doesn't do much for alleviating westside-downtown traffic in either direction.

The track runs too far south of many of the major streets like Venice, Olympic, Washington or Wilshire to be an option for passengers of regular bus lines and/or gridlock tired drivers..

Had it not been for the fact that I work right alongside the tracks there would be little, if any, reason for me to step foot on this line. As with the Gold Line extension into East Los Angeles, the Expo Line has very few stops along the route which really doesn't help the local residents much.

I suppose I should just shut up and consider myself one of the lucky few who have reason to ride every day of the week. After all, it is cutting my commute time in half and I don't have to fight for a seat or deal with all the bus crazies and their drama.

One of the major selling points for this line is it's stop at Exposition Park It has been a long time since I've visited the California Science Center, Natural History Museum and the Exposition Rose Garden. I have a feeling I'll be making a trip there soon.

PHASE II: will end in Santa Monica and is scheduled to be completed some time in the future. I'm not holding my breath for that one.
End of the line (for now)

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